Inuk throat singing duo PIQSIQ (pronounced “pilk-silk”) consists of Inuksuk Mackay and Tiffany Ayalik. The pair released their debut EP, ALTERING THE TIMELINE, in 2018, followed up by their Christmas album QUVIASUGVIK: IN SEARCH OF HARMONY.
The duo has consistently broken the barriers of genre, and the result is truly spellbinding. Their mix of modern electronic music and archaic throat singing provides an ethereal, eerie wall of sound that draws you in and puts you in a trance like state.
Their latest album, Taaqtuq Ubluriaq: Dark Star, tells a haunting story of Ubluriaq, a young woman who stretches the confines of her humanity through a strange encounter with The Beyond. Who could have asked for a more perfect release for Halloween?
Artist: PIQSIQ
Track: Sirens Summon
Album: Taaqtuq Ubluriaq: Dark Star
Click here to purchase Taaqtuq Ubluriaq: Dark Star
LISTEN: PIQSIQ – Siren Summons from their latest album “Taaqtuq Ubluriaq: Dark Star”